Sculpting the Human Head/Body


The bust has been used for centuries to honor, memorialize, characterize, and distinguish identities of culture. As a social political tool, as many forms of art have been and will be, the face and bust have been used to provide an instrument of social control and propaganda. For ourselves and prosperity art through human form has been a link to the identities of personalities of the past. History, mythology, and other stories are hinted at, and revealed by these simple yet complex forms. We have a compulsive draw towards the replication of identity through various mediums, to empower a material to conjure a sense of preservation.

Project Gallery

Wood Carving: Merging Early and Contemporary Icons


In this project create a wood carved mask that visually merges early and contemporary icons. The mask should take on a combination of both icons chosen. The main material will be wood, other materials can be used to embellish the form. Try to use materials that are a part of our current culture. Accumulated objects or components of devices we use might be good resources. A visit to the salvage yards will be a good resource as well.