Hot Metal Casting: Lost Wax Process

Perry_Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder_2008Mission: (Project Description)

Hollow lost wax casting method: A unique wax pattern will be developed using plaster and rubber molds. The wax pattern will be taken through the “Lost Wax Process” to create a unique bronze or aluminum sculpture with a patina or alternative finishing method. Individual students have a choice to cast a wax form presented from a previous course or to create a new hollow casting for this project. A hollow lost wax casting method is the only technical criteria. If a new casting is to be produced, you are encouraged to create a composition and concept that pushes the envelope of this level course.

This project will challenge and further introduce the student to the processes of casting metal. A traditional investment material of plaster, silica sand and silica flour will be used for this project. The student should show an understanding of the methods listed below. A metal form will be cast and finished by the student.


For this assignment you are asked to build a 3- dimensional sculpture using at least three different wax elements. Wax welding will be used to bring these forms together in a well developed composition. You are encouraged to develop a sculpture that projects this level course. Create a form that suggest a concept that will engage your audience. Keep in mind that you should make some formal and technical decisions about visual balance, weight, interior and exterior form, proportion and other elements of design.

• Create a wax pattern. Plaster and rubber molds may be utilized.
• Include a hollow form in the composition.
• Assemble wax composition pattern from multiple wax objects.
• While building, consider casting methods and techniques, air traps, venting strategies.
• Create wax gating and runners from plaster molds.
• Create string vents.
• Gate, vent and prepare wax pattern to be cast.
• Prepare investment flask and chicken wire support.
• Invest wax pattern in Plaster/Silica Sand/Silica flour Investment mold.
• Wax will be burned out in kiln, This s a three day process. Plan for this in advance.
• Cast object in metal: This will be a team coordinated effort.
• De-invest pattern from investment mold.
• Remove gating from the casting.
• Metal Finish: Fasten or weld if necessary, chasing, grinding and filing.
• Metal Finish: “Patina”, chemical treatment of metal surface.
• Seal the form in wax or other finish.

Reliquary Component: (Optional)

Build a reliquary for your final chosen object. This reliquary can take on many forms but should house your form with absolute intent. The marriage between object and reliquary should make sense and have a good balance to focus the audience towards your work. Again craft is very important. Below is a list of types of reliquary objects and materials acceptable for the project.

• Wood: Sculpted, hollowed out, or fabricated wood structures
• A well designed/crafted crate may be fabricated as well.
• Plaster, plastic or wax castings of the body or other objects.
• Note: Plaster can be sculpted cast and  hollowed out to hold an artifact.
• Installations: Consider the idea that a reliquary is much like a shrine
• Metals fabrication/containers
• Glass
• Plastics
• Books: Sculpted, hollowed out, or fabricated structures
• Paper, books, and cardboard:

It is expected that the concept and fabrication of the reliquary and the marriage to the object, be convincing. Challenge yourself to meet the aesthetic and craft related to your object or concept and to the echelon of this course.


Set yourself up for success. Craftsmanship should be strongly considered in developing a “good” pattern. Strive for craftsmanship even in the gating system. These considerations will make de-gating and finishing a much easier task once the form is in metal. Take care and don’t rush the process and the process will work for you rather than against you.

Hot Wax:

Wax is very hot, be careful in handling molds during casting and when welding wax. Red casting wax temperature should be between 250 and 300 degrees F.  Do not let wax smelter get too shallow. If there is no wax to fill it, turn it off. Wax should be left on continuously during our use. If you are the last one in the studio and leaving for the day, turn it down to 250 degrees F.

Alternative Materials:

Other material may be explored with instructor approval.

  • Natural Materials (Use your imagination)
  • Cotton cloth
  • Wood
  • 3d printed PLA and ABS

Larger Forms and Post Fabrication:

Scale: The sculpture scale is limited to the designated size in which the foundry can accommodate for this class. Plan ahead, measure the size of the burn-out kiln before you create a mold that will be too large for the kiln interior volume. Forms can be post fabricated. Think ahead. Think Modular. Design larger forms with smaller components that can be cast and fastened together to create the final larger form. Post fabrication techniques includes tap and die, screwing, bolting, keyed, welding, etc.

Kiln: You should keep a three inch perimeter around your mold away from the kiln interior wall to allow an even distribution of heat around the mold. Allow 6 inches of space for height. Shelving or kiln brick should be used to support your mold off the kiln floor. Kiln should be vented to allow moisture and carbon to escape.

Clean-Up Reminders:

Wax Work:

Cover the table surface when using wax: Use thick plastic, metal or cardboard to cover the tables and work areas. If these are unavailable cover your work area with newspaper.

Plaster Work:

Use newspaper to protect the table surfaces.


A traditional investment material of plaster, sand and silica flour will be used for this project. To assist in clean up a layer of cardboard may be placed under your investment flask. Clean up accordingly, removing waste to dumpster behind sculpture.

Metal pour:

As a team you all will be in charge of coordinating and implementing metal pours. Primarily, your instructor will be available to assist in some process and technical questions and to observe. All pours should be scheduled during class times.


When de-investing, remove the waste material to the dumpster. This material gets too heavy for one person to clean up. A metal garbage can, hand truck or cart may be used to transport the material to the dumpster. Just remember, If you make a mess, clean it up!

Wear appropriate clothing during foundry pours.

• Cotton clothing, pants and shirt.
• Leathers or Fire resistant suits
• Safety Glasses
• Safety shield
• Hard Hat-welding cap
• Leather covered shoes (Steel toed preferred)
• Leather chaps or leggings
• Leather spats
• No Poly blends, No Pleather: These can be extremely flammable near the pouring activities.

Tools and Materials:

• Eye Protection/Safety Glasses
• Dust Mask/Particulate Respirator
• Sketch Book
• Clay Tools
• Hot knife or soldering tool
• Hobby knife
• Fettling knife
• Trimming Tools (Various sizes)
• Loop, wire and ribbon tools
• Wooden modeling tools
• Needle Tool
• Wax smelting pot
• Wax
• Wax tools
• Materials for cast pattern
• Mixe media
• Adhesives, fastening materials
• Wood
• Wood Shop
• Metal
• Rubber or Latex gloves• Metal: Aluminum, Bronze, Iron
• Casting Foundry/Furnace
• Welding Eye Protection
• Welding Gloves
• Angel Grinder
• Grinding disc
• Cut off disc
• Flap Disc

Type of facilities and furnace will designate what casting metals will be used.

Create a label for your project with these specifics:

• Name:
• Dimensions: HWD
• Materials:
• Metal casting weight:
• Year Complete:
• Course:

Tape your label to your project. Use masking tape so that it will not harm your project.


  • Method: Planning, Cutting Safely, Building techniques and strategies
  • Material Characteristics:
  • Three-Dimensional Pattern and mold Making
  • Volume: HWD
  • Fabrication techniques: Wax and metal casting fabrication, Object creation
  • Mold Gating/Sprue Methods
  • Hot Metal Casting Process
  • Successful Casting
  • Metal Fabrication techniques: Post Casting fabrication, Object Installation
  • Structural and Aesthetic qualities
  • Finishing Techniques: Heat and chemical surface treatments
  • Sensibility to form: Good design, clean aesthetics
  • Integrity of the artist to their craft
  • Conceptual development


  • Work Ethic: Participation in and out of class
  • Scheduling: Students stay on task, project finished by deadline, critique.
  • Well Engineered and Functional mold
  • Craftsmanship and aesthetics: Well crafted mold with well crafted “Clean”castings.
  • Post Fabrication and Insatlation
  • Conceptual development


Chemicals and fumes: This process uses chemicals and materials that might be dangerous for some people. Read the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for questionable materials. Use a respirator and rubber or latex gloves while using chemicals. A dust mask may be used rather than a respirator. The respirator will provide much better protection. Be aware, if you notice an allergic reaction such as skin irritation as a result of use of  any materials used, please inform the instructor.

Hot Wax: This project will incorporate hot wax and wax welding tools. Be careful for yourself and when working around others. Safety and a disciplined studio etiquette should be followed during all studio activities. Hot tools will burn, be careful to not place them on any surface that will burn or melt. Be aware of people working around you. Turn off or unplug tools when leaving unattended.

Foundry: This project will incorporate the use of the foundry and “Extremely Hot Metal”. Safety and a disciplined studio etiquette should be followed during metal pours and all studio activities.

Note: Ceramic Shell and other casting methods may be used as an alternative to this project, with instructor approval.


You tube Video:

Wax Gating for Lost Wax Process: Hollow Patterns 


U-Ram Cho
Kris Kuksi
Christian Marclay
Tim Hawkinson
Andrew Werby
Louise Bourgeois  PBS
Jessica Joslin
Kathie Olivas and Brandt Peters
Elizabeth King
Ron English
Steve Dilworth
Sophie Kahn
Becky McDonah
Christopher Conte
Ashley Wood

Project Gallery

Plaster Carving Non Objective Form: Abstraction Morphing/Transformation

Wheatly_MMission: (Project Description)

Using two forms build one, morphing the forms together to become a non-objective or abstract formal composition. The original forms are to be used as inspiration to assist in guiding the form. Use elements from each, yet develop your sculpture as a unique entity with an elegant form and a clean aesthetic. Original chosen objects may be mechanical (man-made) or natural.

  • Bring a wire cloth hanger and nylon stocking. This will be used to build a non objective form to base your carving to. The wire will be an armature for the nylon which will become a surface and skin.
  • Bring two interesting objects from home, which are approximately the size of your hand. Objects may be mechanical or organic.
  • Bring a container to build a blank. (1 gal. container.)
  • Create a blank from plaster.
  • Brain storm and Sketch ideas.
  • Plaster Carving: Create an abstract form from objects and sketches.

Sketchbook Assignments: (Five pages)

  • Assignment 1: Sketch original objects in your sketchbook. (3 views of each, 2 pgs)
  • Assignment 2: Preliminary and in process sketches of plaster form. (3 pages)

Additional Criteria: Strategies, Technique and Composition: (Project Description)

  • Clay may be used as a modeling/sketching tool: Sketches do not always start in the sketch book. Model, in clay an abstract form, drawing characteristics from your two objects. This will assist you in developing the composition. Images of these moquettes may be placed in your sketchbook and are valid sketches.
  • This project relies on the elements of light and shadow. Carve so that light and shadow create the dynamics of the form. No paint, pigments or inks should be used for this project.
  • Use repetition, directional curves and form to create a since of movement.
  • Develop a composition with movement that will draw the viewer around and into the form.
  • Use models, sketches and your own intuitive inspirations to create. Process will play a great part in your exploration as you learn the material, developing carving techniques and sensibilities.
  • Think about how these objects work together to create one form or how one may seem to dominate over the other, seeming to swallow or assimilate.
  • Craftsmanship: Elegant form and a clean aesthetic should be a goal.
  • Pay attention to building a form that has interior definition as well as exterior. Carving and modeling in the interior of the object will challenge your abilities, as always you are encouraged to push beyond the average.
  • Do not leave any indication of the container of your original form. Work the whole form.
  • Remember its okay to go back to sketches drawn or sculpted to alter and redesign your composition as you work through the project. This is a part of the process.

Tools and Materials:

  • Clay for sketching (Plasticine)
  • Plastic or wax Container- Bring your own. Plastic or wax coated.
  • Pottery Plaster No. 1
  • Sanding Screen (Drywall Sanding Screen or sand paper)
  • Sketchbook
  • Plaster Drywall wrasp
  • 8” Rasp- Purchase at art, wood or craft stores
  • Other Scraping Tools: Spoons forks, Files, Knives, Drill
  • Clay trimming tools, spoons, knives, forks, old saw blades (be inventive)
  • Dust Mask

Project Critique:

  • Project should be finished before the beginning of class critique session.
  • Projects will be discussed during the critique.

Think About:

  • The Elements of Design: line, texture, shape, light, form, space, time,
  • The Principles of Design: balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis, and unity
  • Exterior vs. Interior, Primary and  Secondary Contours, Positive & Negative Forms, Static and Dynamic Forms

Photographing your work:

Photograph your work: A minimum of two types of images of your object should be made and emailed to the instructor of this course.

As an artist, a good portfolio will always set you apart from the rest of the crowd. When it comes to artist portfolios, pictures of your artwork are usually the first time a person may be introduced to your work. The images you provide are usually what make the biggest first impression. There for, it makes sense to practice photographing your art at the beginning and throughout your art career.

Image 1: 3-D portfolio image:

Neutral Setting Studio Shot: Should have no visual relationship to other objects. One should not be able to determine the size of your finished form. Good composition, good lighting and the best representation of your object is the goal. Minimize unnecessary shadows and highlights. A grey screen and lighting is available in room FAC 183. Take many shots of several sides of the piece. View them all on a computer screen before editing to the best.

Image 2: Creative Monumental Composition Using Forced Perspective:

Create the illusion that your sculpture is monumental by using forced perspective. Forced perspective techniques manipulates our human perception with the use of optical illusions to make objects appear larger, smaller, farther, or closer than they actually are. Movie makers sometimes use forced perspective to turn plastic toys and other objects into gigantic forms and characters we see on screen. The use of digital effects today still incorporates this popular way of portraying scenes or objects. A search on the web should gain several hits on strategies for creating a forced perspective image.

Before Critique:

Write a short paragraph about the form.

  • Descriptive, poetic, narrative…..What is or can the piece be about?

During Critique:

Reactions to work done by peers.

  • Use your own dialogue and the following:
  • Reactions to form: Positive reactions-Negative reactions
  • Sensibility to form:
  • Elements of Design:
  • Principles of Design:
  • Concepts: What ideas come to mind when you look at the object?
  • Relax: Keep an open mind.



Project Gallery

Body Art: Plaster Casting and Mixed Media



The human body and its components allow us to understand facets of identity such as gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. Slight gestures can represent emotion, mood, and intent. Subtle and extreme alterations of the body, such as hair, skin, and clothing can suggest alignment with or rebellion against social conventions and to express ideas to others. Many artists explore visual expression through representations of the body and by using their own bodies in their creative process. The poetry of bringing objects together to suggest or make strong statements can sometimes be elusive. Not only does one need the right objects to build a dialogue, a keen observation of craft is important in developing a poetic voice that does not distract the artist intent.

Mission: (Project Description)

Create a sculptural form using elements from the human body and at minimum one other form. A cast component, plaster or other material, of the body will be a basis for their research. Other materials are not only encouraged but expected in the final solution. The project should meet the following criteria:

  • Must use cast body element in final composition.
  • Cast body element may be intentionally altered.
  • Must use other materials (Mixed media).
  • Develop a poetic intent.
  • What is the work about?
  • Develop an artist statement.

Challenge yourself and the project.

Project grades gain much from the thought and “Effort” put into them, not to mention pushing the envelope. Common references include hands and feet, this is the norm. Challenge this project by developing another component or area of the body.

This project should include a concept that incorporates the body or a component of the body along with other materials. The design and fabrication should be built in a manner that illustrates your concept, experimentation, craftsmanship, and a cohesive aesthetic.

Sketchbook Assignment:

Sketches of your ideas should be rendered before and during sculpting. A minimum of five pages should be dedicated to this sketching component. In addition, find a minimum of four sculptures or objects, referencing the body, that inspire you. Printed images of these sculptures or objects should be placed in your sketch book. Your sketch book will be graded along with your project.

Strategies and Techniques:

  • Research: Contemporary and historical “Body art”, across cultures.
  • Collect: Print and collect imagery and text for your research. (Place images in your sketchbook.)
  • Brainstorm the possibilities. Make a list in your skeet book!
  • With what body part will you develop your concept.
  • Explore the idea of multiples.
  • Sketch ideas in you Sketchbook. 5 pages of various ideas required.
  • Mold Making: Mold material: Flexwax 120. Team effort. (3 per team works well)
  • Casting: Plaster casting of your body component or cast in another material.
  • Experiment: Plaster carving, cutting, fitting and affixing materials.
  • Mining materials: Find materials and components to add to your castings.
  • Other techniques: welding, wood, sewing and other fabrication methods should be considered
  • Research and observe fabrication aesthetics and methods.
  • Learn how things work and how connections are made.
  • Dreaming, concocting, drawing developing: (Sketches)
  • Experimentation, Experimentation, Experimentation
  • Connections to the body: How do components attach, from the inside/on the outside?
  • Making Sense: Make it believable.
  • Finish: Less is more: Student should consider allowing the material to show off its austere-simple aesthetics. If paint is used, it should be used strategically to enhance the concept/aesthetic. KIS, Keep it simple.


Functional Aesthetics: Goals: Engineering and concept, clean form, well crafted fabrication and technique, uniform aesthetic, a command over the material: Excellent Craftsmanship should be a major goal. Bad craftsmanship can weigh heavily on the success of a project. Focus on a refined form. Bad craftsmanship will easily distinguish A/B work to a C or below. Make your fabrication skills count, projects should not fall apart during critique or grading.

Tools and Materials:

• Sketchbook
• Plaster
• Scraping, carving tools
• Dust Mask/Particulate Respirator
• Safety Glasses
• Objects for pattern, Body
• Mold materials
• Wood (optional)
• Wood Shop
• Metal (optional)
• Adhesives, fastening devices
• Rubber or Latex gloves (optional)
• Welding Eye Protection
• Welding Gloves
• Angel Grinder
• Grinding disc
• Cut off disc
• Flap Disc

Create a label for your project with these specifics:

• Name:
• Dimensions: HWD
• Materials:
• Year Complete:
• Course:

Tape your label to your project. Use masking tape so that it will not harm your project.


  • Method: Planning, Cutting Safely, Building techniques and strategies
  • Material Characteristics:
  • Three-Dimensional form using the human body
  • Mold Making Process: Wax (Flex wax)
  • Casting Plaster
  • Fabrication techniques: Pre and Post Casting fabrication, Object Installation
  • Structural and Aesthetic qualities
  • Finishing Techniques
  • Sensibility to form: Good design, clean aesthetics
  • Integrity of the artist to their craft


This process uses chemicals and materials that might be dangerous for some people. Read the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for questionable materials. Please use a respirator while using chemicals such as plaster. A dust mask may be used rather than a respirator. The respirator will provide better protection.

Artist Inspiration:

Project Examples:

Mold Making: Encapsulated Rubber Molds


Mission: (Project Description)

In this project the student will be introduced to the process of encapsulated mold making. Rubber will be used as an interior jacket to collect surface and surface detail. A plaster exterior mother mold will be used to establish structure for the flexible mold. Rubber is an elastic material that can pick up very minute detail. Its flexible quality allows it to be pulled and stretched to cast challenging objects that can not be cast from a more rigid material. The mold material can be used numerous times with many different materials, respectively.

Objective Guidelines:

In this project the student will be asked to create one encapsulated mold of an object that are student found or instructor determined difficulty and scale. A well crafted mold and it’s ability to function (creates clean multiples) will be the main objectives.


Objects that fit in the palm are fair game for this assignment. See the instructor approval of larger forms. Rubber materials may be purchased by the student if forms require more rubber material.

Collecting and inventory:

Bring in objects to choose from. Complex forms, miniatures, toy parts, jewelry, small machine parts, containers, etc.

Pour Spout:

MUST BE IN PLACE for usability: This has to be a functional mold for plastic and wax. A pour hole must be planned and in place before rubber processes and materials are in motion.


The objective here is to create well crafted-functional mold. Pay attention to the aesthetics involved in this process.

Sketchbook Assignment:

Draw your objects, develop plan view drawings that will assist in creating the mold. Plan pour hole, with flanges. Plan for mold keys in rubber jacket and mother mold.


Rubber and plaster components should work well together, So that they do not damage one another while in process.

Encapsulated Rubber: Process Steps:

Two part Mother Mold/Two part Rubber Jacket:

  • Find horizon line of pattern object
  • If pattern is porous, apply sealing agent
  • Pour spout (funnel) must be planned and added in the next steps
  • Venting for casting material must be planned and added in the next steps
  • Note undercuts, voids and trouble spots in pattern, “clay_up” to accommodate
  • Build “clay-up” to object horizon line on work board
  • Manage undercuts, voids and trouble spots in pattern, “clay_up” to accommodate
  • Leave margin for rubber flange/keys, plaster mother mold and keys
  • Keys may be placed/cut in clay up at this point (for Rubber and Plaster)
  • Cover object with plastic and clay blanket (1/4 inch thickness)
  • Build “Flange” at top of Pour spout (funnel)
  • Build “Jacket” keys on clay blanket if needed
  • Release agent may be applied to clay (Petroleum jelly, Oil soap)
  • Clamp coddle boards around clay up and pattern
  • Seal potential leeks, seams
  • Mix plaster to ready
  • A flick coat of plaster should be applied if detail is compromised
  • Pour plaster over pattern blanket area
  • Level to one inch over highest part of pattern
  • Tap sides of coddle boards to evacuate air in plaster
  • Allow to harden
  • Remove coddle boards
  • Remove plaster mother mold half
  • Determine deepest area of mother mold
  • Establish a pour hole (Funnel for rubber)
  • In other deep areas of mother mold, venting will need to be established (Straw vents)
  • Apply release agent to plaster (Petroleum jelly, Oil soap)
  • Add venting and funnel
  • Remove clay blanket and plastic
  • Note clay weight for future reference (Rubber material may be determined by this)
  • Note clay volume for future reference (Rubber material may be determined by this)
  • Keys for rubber should be placed/cut in “clay up” at this point
  • A trench around the pattern works well (loop tool)
  • Clean any debris from pattern and clay areas
  • Apply release agent to pattern
  • Replace plaster mother mold half with venting and funnel
  • Replace coddle boards
  • Secure mold (Straps)
  • Seal potential leeks, seams
  • Determine amount of rubber material needed
  • Prepare rubber by product direction
  • Pour into funnel until vents and funnel are level
  • Allow to settle, add more if needed,
  • Allow to cure
  • Flip first half of mold with pattern and clay up
  • Remove clay up
  • Do not separate pattern and rubber from mother mold
  • The first mother mold half will preside as the basis for the second half
  • Keys should be placed/cut into plaster at this point if not previously placed/cut
  • Follow steps from above for second half


  • Apply release agent to pattern
  • Seal potential leeks, seams
  • Review, Review, Review: Review that processes have been completed
  • Gently separate mold halves at seam line
  • Remove pattern and prep for use

Tools and Materials:

• Eye Protection/Safety Glasses
• Sketch Book
• Clay Tools
• Fettling knife
• Trimming Tools (Various sizes)
• Loop, wire and ribbon tools
• Wooden modeling tools
• Needle Tool
• Calipers
• Canvas (approximately 2ft x 2ft)
• Plasticine (Oil Based clay)
• Clay -Water Based clay (Optional)
• Wax tools
• Dust Mask/Particulate Respirator
• Pattern
• Mold materials: Plaster and Two part Rubber compound (Pourable)
• Release agent: Petroleum jelly
• Release agent: Silicone spray
• Release agent: Oil soap (Optional)
• Drinking straws for vents
• Clamps (4)
• Materials for coddle boards)
• Wood Shop
• Measuring Tape
• Meal Ruler
• Rubber or Latex gloves (optional)
• Ratchet Straps, rubber straps

Create a label for your project with these specifics:

• Name:
• Dimensions: HWD
• Materials:
• Year Complete:
• Course:

Tape your label to your project. Use masking tape so that it will not harm your project.


  • Method: Planning,  techniques and strategies
  • Material Characteristics: Plaster and tin-cured silicone rubber compounds
  • Mold Making Process: Encapsulated Rubber Molds
  • Volume: HWD
  • Mold Gating/Sprue Methods
  • Wax Casting Process
  • Successful Casting
  • Fabrication techniques: Mold fabrication, Object duplication
  • Functional and Aesthetic qualities
  • Sensibility to form and craft: Good design and Clean aesthetics
  • Integrity of the artist to their craft


  • Work ethic: Participation in and out of class
  • Scheduling: Students stay on task, project finished by deadline, critique.
  • Well Engineered and Functional mold for long term use.
  • Craftsmanship and aesthetics: Well crafted mold with well crafted “Clean”castings.


Some materials used in this project are toxic. Please observe the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of materials that you will be exposed to. Be aware, if you notice an allergic reaction such as skin or eye irritation as a result of use of these materials, please inform the instructor and seek health services. Eye protection and rubber gloves are mandatory during the use of these materials. Some materials have MSDS information online. Work in a well ventilated area.


  • Wax patterns: Wax castings in preparation for lost wax casting.
  • Plastic casting: Prototypes or finished castings.
  • Resin casting: Prototypes or finished castings.
  • Ceramic: May have some ceramic applications.

Supplemental Videos: YouTube Demos:

For a quick preview or review of this process please visit the YouTube channel

This series of supplemental videos are time lapsed to give an overview of the four part encapsulated rubber mold making process. They serve to assist in learning the process as a component of demonstrations in a tutorial setting. Some simple mold making experience is suggested before taking on this challenge. There is much to learn from experience.

Actual mold making time for a four part encapsulated rubber mold will vary with the pattern and mold maker experience. This particular mold took approximately four days once you consider waiting times for materials to cure.

Project Gallery