Hot Metal Casting: Sand Molds

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Mission: (Project Description)

Learn the process of developing a metal casting using a two-part sand resin bond mold. The first part of the project will be to create a pattern using a variety of methods and materials. Mixing sand and resins the student will create a mold. The mold will be used to create a void to pour metal. The metal sculpture will then be finished accordingly. The student will be graded by keeping a schedule with the processes of the assignment as well as the finished form. Keep up, so you do not fall behind.

Project Gallery

Welding Line-Form-Repetition

Ward_72Mission: (Project Description)

Create a sculptural form/structure that develops from the linear quality of welded, and fabricated metal. The final form should have a sense of variety and repetition of elements. Add a skin to some or all components of the structure. Develop an aesthetic in the connection of skin to form.

It is expected that a concept be developed that will draw the viewer into a transformed space. A linear form should be the initial aesthetic, creating a structure that defines a new space. Lines, shapes, and forms may be curved or straight, yet the artist’s intent must be obvious and well-crafted.

Project Gallery

Texture Switch


Mission: (Project Description)

Within this project, we will bring into question the “skin” of an object, and how alterations to it develop our perceptions of the object.  Many artists, such as Meret Oppenheim, Lucas Samaras, and Joseph Beuys, have pursued this concept creating works that question or negate an object’s original function.  The simple manipulation of a surface can allow strong conceptual narratives to develop, speaking to a greater importance beyond the original object.

Transform: v.  1 make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, character, etc.

Project Gallery

Wood Carving: Merging Early and Contemporary Icons


In this project create a wood carved mask that visually merges early and contemporary icons. The mask should take on a combination of both icons chosen. The main material will be wood, other materials can be used to embellish the form. Try to use materials that are a part of our current culture. Accumulated objects or components of devices we use might be good resources. A visit to the salvage yards will be a good resource as well.

Wood Transformation



In this project, the student is asked to create a sculptural form from wood material. The form does not necessarily need to look like a specific thing. It may be non-objective if desired. If the goal is to create a representation of a real object, a model should be made available. As a basis, 2×4 material may be purchased.

Project Examples: