Found Objects: Group-Bind


Group and bind a selection of objects and materials together. Wire, string, or other linear materials may be used to bind your selection into a dynamic form. Do whatever it takes to make your form hold together. By wrapping, screwing, and tying the objects together, the forms will become one non-objective or abstract armature. The form may reveal the selection of objects or you may take it to the next level.  Encapsulate the form in the binding material. 

Cardboard Portrait


Mission: Self-Portrait

Develop a self-portrait using an image of yourself, a word that reflects who you are, and cardboard. In this project reclaimed cardboard is used to construct self-portraits. The cardboard image and structure emphasize the importance of reusing and recycling materials and should provide an inspiring example of creative thought and innovation through repurposing materials.

Project Gallery

Texture Switch


Mission: (Project Description)

Within this project, we will bring into question the “skin” of an object, and how alterations to it develop our perceptions of the object.  Many artists, such as Meret Oppenheim, Lucas Samaras, and Joseph Beuys, have pursued this concept creating works that question or negate an object’s original function.  The simple manipulation of a surface can allow strong conceptual narratives to develop, speaking to a greater importance beyond the original object.

Transform: v.  1 make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, character, etc.

Project Gallery

Plaster Carving Non Objective Form: Abstraction Morphing/Transformation

Wheatly_MMission: (Project Description)

Using two forms build one, morphing the forms together to become a non-objective or abstract formal composition. The original forms are to be used as inspiration to assist in guiding the form. Use elements from each, yet develop your sculpture as a unique entity with an elegant form and a clean aesthetic. Original chosen objects may be mechanical (man-made) or natural.

Project Gallery

Cardboard: Mechanical Objects to Cardboard Objects

11MarquezStudent_2013In this project you are to use reclaimed cardboard to render everyday objects. The cardboard structures emphasize the importance of reusing and recycling materials and should provide an inspiring example of creative thought and innovation through repurposing materials.

Mission: (Project Description)

Your mission is to build a mechanical object from the structural and aesthetic qualities of cardboard. Using cardboard, adhesives, and possibly some fasteners (such as string, nails, and screws) you will be building a 3 dimensional duplication of a mechanical object/device. The finished form should be at least 18 inches in one dimension. Glues are allowed on this project. Tapes or fasteners may be used as well. Hide them and use them strategically, to develop a consistently crafted object. Think craftsmanship! Folding, cutting, de-lamination, lamination methods and strategically placing cardboard in a consistent structural method should be a goal. Conservation of materials should be considered as well. The size and weight of the final object is a usual obstacle for sculptors.

Project Gallery

Scratch Block Molds – Casting Forms in High Relief

Sheen Square72In this project the student will learn the process of developing a “Relief” metal casting using a Scratch Block, a sand block bonded with resin, to create a negative or inverse of a final relief sculpture. Metal will be poured into the scratch block to create the finished form. The metal relief sculpture will be finished, and chased using metal working tools. Then dioxide and wax will be applied to the surface. And finally, a strategy must be developed to display the relief form.

Student Gallery